GSAED | Who we are

Welcome to the Graduate Student’s Association des é diplômé.es (GSAÉD), a steadfast representative of graduate students at the esteemed University of Ottawa since 1989. As a dedicated full-time or part-time graduate student, you automatically become an integral member of GSAÉD, Local 94 of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS).

Our paramount mission is to safeguard, advocate, and advance the collective interests of our members. GSAÉD actively fosters and supports the pursuits and endeavors of graduate student associations across all departments and faculties. Through open dialogue and democratic processes, we bring together our members to address issues pertinent to their lives and studies.

At GSAÉD, we go beyond mere representation, elevating your graduate experience with a vibrant array of social and cultural activities. We believe in nurturing a holistic academic journey and a vibrant community for all our members. Together, we strive for excellence, both academically and socially.

Our Advocacy

As members of the Student Council Advocacy Committee, we firmly believe in the power of student advocacy. We understand that every student deserves a safe and inclusive learning environment where their voices are heard and their ideas are valued.

Students Right Centre

The Student Rights Centre is a service of the GSAÉD and the UOSU offered to all students at the University of Ottawa. The Centre offers guidance and support to students who require information on University of Ottawa regulations and practices or who wish to appeal decisions made by the University administration.

It also help students who wish to receive more information regarding their human rights on campus or to make a formal or informal complaint in that regard.


The Office of the Ombudsperson serves the entire University community by offering impartial and independent advice, information, and confidential assistance in resolving disputes and problems. It provides recommendations for resolution in individual cases and suggests changes to University policies and practices as needed.

If you believe you have been treated unfairly and don’t know where else to turn, contact their office 562-5342 or

Financial Statement

Transparency and accountability are at the core of our operations. That’s why we provide a comprehensive and up-to-date financial statement on this website


The Student Union operates under a set of well-defined bylaws that govern our structure, decision-making processes, and overall functioning which can be found here

Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)

GSAÉD is proud to be Local 94 of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). With over 500,000 members from 80 student associations, the CFS is Canada’s largest student federation that has been tirelessly fighting for universal access to post-secondary education and defending students since 1981.

To learn more about the services and campaigns organized by students at the federal and provincial level through the Federation, visit the   CFS and   CFS-Ontario websites.


GSAÉD has many different bodies that work together to benefit all uOttawa graduate students. Here are the different structures of the associations, and different ways to get involved.

Board of Directors

Responsible for all matters of finance, policy and administration


Responsible for the day-to-day administration of the association.